MSI Annual Awards

Award season has arrived! Put the Grammys and Oscars out of your mind—the MSI Annual Awards are here!

February 23, 2025 @ Earl B. Wood MS (3-5 PM)

Award Categories

  1. Adam Prill Volunteer of the Year
  2. MSI Club Player of the Year
  3. Recreation Coach of the Year
  4. Classic Coach of the Year
  5. Youth Game Leader of the Year
  6. Camp/Clinic Coach of the Year
  7. Travel Coach of the Year
  8. Referee of the Year

Nominations are being accepted for these categories! If your coach or a player on your team embodies the best values of sportsmanship, player development, personal development, and citizenship, nominate them for an award! Group nominations are welcome! Is there anyone on your team that you would like to recognize for all that they have accomplished in 2024? Has someone on your team done something outstanding in your community?

The Nomination Process

  1. Sportsmanship: How do they set a personal example of the best kind of sportsmanship? Do they recognize the connection between soccer sportsmanship and other facets of life? Do they represent more than just winning soccer matches?
  2. Player Development: Are they driven to learn and play to the best of their abilities? If they are coaches, do they provide their players with independence, confidence, and excitement while also encouraging them to have fun? Are they inclusive and foster a great team environment where everyone feels like they belong?
  3. Personal Development: How have they increased their soccer knowledge? Have they taken any courses or attended additional clinics?
  4. Citizenship: How are they involved in the MSI community?
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