Recreation Frequently Asked Questions

Recreation Manual 2025
  • When is registration, and how do I register?

    • All players may register by credit card at beginning in November for the Spring season or May for the Fall season.
    • Players who are applying for financial aid must email a copy of their current FARMS (Free and Reduced Meals) voucher to prior to registering.  
  • I am a returning player. Will I be placed on my current team?

    Returning players receive priority placement ONLY if they register by the deadline of January 15 as stated on the Recreation Program registration page.  After the January 15  deadline,  all returning and new players are placed on a first-come, first-served basis, as space allows. Families of returning players are notified prior to the opening of registration and are sent several reminders prior to the deadline.

  • I am tyring to use my returner invite, but I cannot use it, I get an error about my child’s age, why?

    Returning players who get an error due to their age should email You then have to register in the grade where the player is age-appropriate and let us know what grade and team you’re on so we can manually move you back to the team.

  • The returning player deadline has passed. Can I still sign up to play soccer this season?

    Absolutely! Registration will still be open, and players should still register at the earliest date possible to maximize their chances to be placed on the team of their choice.

  • How do I transfer to a new team?

    Returning players are given the opportunity to request a transfer during registration. Please be sure to specify a second choice in case there is no room on the team you are requesting. If no second choice is indicated, you will be placed on your current team IF you register by the stated deadline. Transfer requests that are made prior to the returning player deadline will be given priority consideration.

  • I am a new player, but I want to request a specific team. How do I do that?

    You will be given an opportunity to request a specific team during registration. Please be sure to specify a 2nd choice in case your 1st choice is not possible. We will try to accommodate your request if possible, but we cannot guarantee all requests. Roster limits are strictly enforced by MSI.

    Coaches and parents may not assign players to a team, and coaches may not promise open roster spots to specific players. Only Age Group Commissioners may place players on teams.

  • When does the season start?

    The Spring season typically begins on the first Saturday in April, though the timing of MCPS Spring Break will affect that somewhat differently in certain years, and concludes the 1st or 2nd weekend in June.  The Fall season typically begins on the first Saturday following Labor Day and concludes the 1st or 2nd weekend in November.

  • How do I know if I’ve been placed on a team?

    Rosters will become available in March (Spring) or August (Fall). You will be able to log in to your family account and view the placement(s) of your child/children. Returning players who register by the returning player deadline are guaranteed a roster spot on their current team.  The status of new players and transfer request players will not be available until early March/August.  

    During the months of February and July, the rosters will not be available so that Grade Level Coordinator can begin the process of placing players and forming teams. Once you are able to view your placement, you will be able to access your coach’s name and contact info.  

    If you are not yet placed, this information will not be available. Coaches will begin contacting assigned players beginning in mid-March or mid-August when they receive their rosters.

  • Will I get a new uniform?

    Yes! All players receive an MSI Soccer uniform prior to the Fall season. The uniform kit includes a jersey, shorts, and socks. If you played in the Fall and remained on the same team, you are expected to keep your uniform from the Fall for the Spring season. If you are new in the Spring or changing teams, you will receive a uniform from your coach.

  • Will we play on the same field as last season?

    Not necessarily. MSI competes with many other organizations for fields. Each season we request fields from the County and are issued permits for those fields that are available. Some fields that we use in the Fall are used for baseball in the Spring, and others may be under renovation. When we receive our permits, we will match fields by appropriate size and location to teams.

  • Where do 1st-grade teams play?

    There will be one or two first-grade locations where first-grade teams will play. Those locations will be available when schedules are published in late March/August.  Most recently, 1st grade games have been played at Herbert Hoover MS and Robert Frost MS.

  • Are games scheduled on Saturdays or Sundays?

    • Teams have an eight-game schedule on Saturdays or Sundays beginning the weekend of March 28th (Spring '25). Game start times can begin as early as 8:30 AM or as late as 7:00 PM. At the younger ages, most games are scheduled for Saturdays, but Sunday games are scheduled due to issues related to field availability, SAT/ACT testing schedules (for HS-aged teams), or weather-related rescheduling.
  • Where is my practice field and how many practices will I have?

    Most teams practice once a week. Weekly practice times (not to exceed 2 per week) and locations are arranged by the coach of your team. Families are expected to be flexible with their schedules.

  • When will I get the game schedule?

    Game schedules post approximately two weeks before the first game.

  • Will my game field also be near my home?

    Game field assignments are based on age of players, required field dimensions, and field availability. Teams are grouped in conferences based on location and team strength, and considerable effort is made to create a balanced playing environment for each team, each season. We permit over dozens and dozens of fields each weekend, and sometimes it is necessary to travel to your game field.

  • Do I need special equipment for games?

    Shin guards are mandatory and must be worn under socks at all games. MSI strongly encourages the use of soccer cleats, but metal cleats are banned.  

    Safety eyewear is not mandatory, but plastic lenses are strongly recommended for those wearing glasses. All jewelry (including pierced earrings) must be removed according to FIFA rules. Long hair may be tied back with soft “scrunchies” – hard clips and accessories are not allowed.

    MSI strongly encourages the use of soccer cleats, but metal cleats are banned. Shin guards are mandatory and must be worn under socks at all games. Uniforms may not be altered other than the attachment of MSI Sportsmanship patches. Names of players or sponsors are not allowed on jerseys.

  • May I play on two MSI Recreation teams at the same time?

    No. Players are only permitted to play for one team and in one age group per season.

  • How do I apply for financial aid?

    To apply for financial aid, players must email a copy of their current FARMS (Montgomery County Public Schools Free and Reduced Meals) voucher to Families can obtain a copy of their FARMS voucher by calling 301-284-4900

  • What levels of play do you offer?

    MSI offers an appropriate level of play for approximately 15,000 players!  Our Recreational Program is an open program focusing on fun play and skill development for children in grades K-12. Children in grades 1-12 are placed on neighborhood teams without tryouts. Players of all abilities are invited to play and enjoy the game, and the coaches are all volunteers.

    • Our Mini-Greens Program is a Pre-K program for our youngest aspiring soccer players! The focus for our Mini Greens is on participation and enjoying the game, all while improving social skills, refining coordination, and learning the concepts of soccer.
    • Our Kindergarten Program includes both Leagues and Clinics and places emphasis on fun-based games and skill development as our youngest players learn the great game of soccer.
    • Our Clinics Program offers skill enrichment for players of all ages!
    • Our Classic League is an in-house competitive program for children in the U9 through U19 age groups. The Classic League offers a more competitive level of play and teams are formed through tryouts. Players in the U9-U10 age groups are required to successfully complete a skills evaluation conducted by MSI to qualify to participate in the Classic program.
    • Our Travel Program is the most competitive level of youth soccer. MSI sponsors teams in the National Capital Soccer League (NCSL), Elite Development Program (EDP), and other travel leagues. Teams compete among the best youth teams in the Washington Metropolitan area and often travel to out-of-town tournaments. The Travel Program is tryout-based and demands a great commitment from both players and their parents.
  • Will my child play in every game?

    Yes. MSI requires that every player on every Recreational roster and present at a game must play at least one-half of the game. Violations of this rule may lead to forfeiture of the game and/or additional sanctions against the coach. Parents with concerns regarding playing time are encouraged to speak with their coach and contact the MSI office if the problem persists.

  • How do I report a problem at my game?

    All reports MUST be submitted in writing to the MSI office within 48 hours of the game. Reports can be submitted to your age group coordinator or to They may be mailed or e-mailed. We cannot investigate your concerns unless they are received in writing within a reasonable time frame. MSI will direct all appropriate concerns to our leadership team, which will investigate the report and take appropriate action.

  • How will I know if games are canceled?

    • In the event of a league-wide cancellation due to inclement weather, MSI will make a decision to cancel all games before 8:00 am, when possible. Cancellation of games must be coordinated with the School and Park permitting agencies, as well as with the Maryland SoccerPlex, and decisions are not made hastily. If games are canceled league-wide, a notification will be placed on the MSI website. Once games are canceled for the entire day, league-wide, it is impossible to reverse the decision for games later in the day.
    • If weather deteriorates during the day, or specific fields are unplayable, games may be canceled on a field-by-field basis. Teams will be notified when possible, and cancellations will be posted on the MSI website as they are reported. Once games have started, referees are instructed to use common sense and suspend play if dangerous conditions exist. Referees and coaches are asked to contact the MSI office if their field is deemed unplayable by the referee, so that a notice may be posted on the website. Players are encouraged to check the website before leaving home for their game when conditions are questionable.
    • A game is considered complete if it has been played through the first half before being terminated by the referee.
  • Where can I find more detailed information on MSI policies and rules?

    Coaches Manuals for the Recreation and
    Classic Program and FIFA Laws of the Game are available on the MSI website.

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